Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Humility vs Humbled

"When tempted to despair, I have only one resource: to throw myself at the foot of the tabernacle like a little dog at the foot of his master."
-St. John Vianney
That's the kind of humility that leads us to Christ, who raises us up far higher than we could ever raise ourselves in our own power. It is hard to ask for the virtue of humility. Maybe this is because the word congers up visions of past humiliations and the fear of more to come. I was glad to of been told that Humility doesn't ask us to think badly of ourselves. Real humility is an honest recognition of ones strengths and weaknesses in the light of Christ's love for us.It calls us to trust in Him and to give thanks to Him in a way that draws us closer to all that is good. Real humility can lead to true contrition and it empowers us to live in the peace and freedom of Christ. Remembering that makes it easier for me to pray for this most foundational of all virtues. Dear Lord, We pray for the light we need to recognize our sins, our strenghts and our weaknesses. We pray for the virtue of humility. We pray this lent for true contrition for our sins and the grace to overcome obstacles that keep us from going to confession, your Sacrament of Mercy. Amen